To answer your question for others that might come on this page like I did…- The XML <runas>admin</runas> is for webscript in javascript. It's not usable when you are doing plain Javascript ( repo/data dicionnary/scripts ).If you want to execute your Javascript method with admin rights, you will need to create an extension to the Javascript API. This API has been make in Java, so you will have to do some Java ( but not too much don't worry ). Note this extension is also called Javascript Root Object.To deploy, you will have no other solution ( at the moment ) than doing an AMP file, which is the common way to deploy our stuff in Alfresco.This has been tested on Alfresco 5.1 and should work on older version as well.I will provide some links, for further information, but you should be able to achieve your goal without using them.That said, let's go :1) Create an AMPTo create an amp, you will have to use maven command.This link will help you for further info : you use :<strong>mvn archetype:generate -Dfilter=org.alfresco: </strong>Choose option 1Use latest version, give your groupId… let's say we use here, com.example and artifactId runAsUtil2) Update the sourceNow we gonna inject some code in your AMP. So we will give a java file, and a context.Here is the official and easier example if you want to go through it first [ up to you ] : Java : File Name : RunAsAdminUtil.javaLocation : Create a folder Jscript ( you can change the name, but if you do, update all reference I will provide later ) as<strong><where_you_created_the_folder_with_maven>\runAsUtil\runAsUtil-repo-amp\src\main\java\com\example\jscript</strong>Note that com\example might be different for you if you used a different groupIdHere is the full content of the Java file :<java>package com.example.jscript;import org.alfresco.repo.jscript.BaseScopableProcessorExtension;import;import org.mozilla.javascript.Function;import org.mozilla.javascript.Context;import org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable;public class RunAsAdminUtil extends BaseScopableProcessorExtension { public void runAsAdmin(final Function func, final Object args[]) { final Context cx = Context.getCurrentContext(); final Scriptable scope = getScope(); AuthenticationUtil.RunAsWork raw = new AuthenticationUtil.RunAsWork() { public Object doWork() throws Exception {, scope, scope, (args != null ? args : new Object[] {})); return null; } }; AuthenticationUtil.runAs(raw, AuthenticationUtil.getSystemUserName()); } }</java>- Context file :FileName : service-context.xmlLocation : C:\Users\bertrand.barraud\Desktop\Alfresco TEST\runAsUtil\runAsUtil-repo-amp\src\main\amp\config\alfresco\module\runAsUtil-repo-amp\contextNote that runAsUtil is our artifactIdContent to add :
<bean id="runAsUtil-repo-amp.customRootObject"
<property name="extensionName" value="runAsUtil"/>
Full file content :
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<!– A simple class that is initialized by Spring –>
<bean id="custom-repo-amp.exampleBean" class="com.fiducial.demoamp.Demo" init-method="init" />
<!– A simple module component that will be executed once.
Note. this module component will only be executed once, and then there will be an entry for it in the Repo.
So doing for example $ mvn clean install -Prun twice will only execute this component the first time.
You need to remove /alf_data_dev for it to be executed again. –>
<bean id="custom-repo-amp.exampleComponent" class="com.fiducial.demoamp.DemoComponent" parent="module.baseComponent" >
<property name="moduleId" value="custom-repo-amp" /> <!– See –>
<property name="name" value="exampleComponent" />
<property name="description" value="A demonstration component" />
<property name="sinceVersion" value="1.0" />
<property name="appliesFromVersion" value="1.0" />
<property name="nodeService" ref="NodeService" />
<property name="nodeLocatorService" ref="nodeLocatorService" />
<bean id="runAsUtil-repo-amp.customRootObject"
<property name="extensionName" value="runAsUtil"/>
Note :- value= is your artifactId- id = [artifactId]-repo-amp.customRootObjectEct..Make sure your bean is well configurated. I advice to use the provided example before changing the naming
3) Compilation and Deployment- Compilation :Go to the root folder of the project ( folder generated by maven ) and use the command : <strong>mvn clean install -e</strong>At this point if you have error, check all the steps and all your naming- Deployment :Get the amp file in <strong><rootFolder>/runAsUtil-repo-amp/target</strong> should be named something like <strong>runAsUtil-repo-amp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.amp</strong>Drop the file into your alfresco instance in the amp folder, should be located on your server somewhere like :<strong>/opt/alfresco-one/amps</strong> ( on unix )Apply the amp :<strong>sudo sh /opt/alfresco-one/bin/</strong>Note : You should see your amp in the list visible in the consoleRestart alfresco :<strong>sudo sh /opt/alfresco-one/ restart</strong>—————-You deployed the AMP ! Nice
Now you just need to know how to use this in your javascript !4) JavascriptYou just need to use the artifactId ( in your bean value= ) as the package/object name then the method you want to use. No import, no include nothing, it's directly usable from the API.Example :<javascript>runAsUtil.runAsAdmin(moveDocument, [moveLocation]);</javascript>Note :In this example, I give a parameter to my function. Do not forget the runAsAdmin method expect an array as second arg ! Else you will have an error, saying that the software can't find runAsAdmin.Hope this help someone to not waste 2 days like I did
Good luck !!!PS: Do not forget to share your solution when you find it