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How to rebuild database / recreate alfresco database?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I'm attempting to rebuild the entire 'alfresco' database (on Alfresco Community Edition 4.1) without re-running the installation script. Accordingly, I've dropped all tables within the 'alfresco' database.

I restart Tomcat (and thus Alfresco), but the databases are not re-created.

Instead, I get output like:

' 2014-08-15 03:28:42,430  WARN  [domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] [localhost-startStop-1] Schema validation found 81 potential problems, results written to: /opt/apache-tomcat/temp/Alfresco/Alfresco-PostgreSQLDialect-Validation-Pre-Upgrade-alf_-8001599409053020254.txt
2014-08-15 03:28:42,451  WARN  [domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] [localhost-startStop-1] Schema validation found 14 potential problems, results written to: /opt/apache-tomcat/temp/Alfresco/Alfresco-PostgreSQLDialect-Validation-Pre-Upgrade-avm_-1645115885481692282.txt
2014-08-15 03:28:42,484  WARN  [domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] [localhost-startStop-1] Schema validation found 28 potential problems, results written to: /opt/apache-tomcat/temp/Alfresco/Alfresco-PostgreSQLDialect-Validation-Pre-Upgrade-jbpm_-6786442235680810809.txt'

…and the text files thus referenced contain lines like:

'Difference: missing sequence from database, expected at path: .avm_nodes_seq
Difference: missing sequence from database, expected at path: .avm_store_properties_seq
Difference: missing sequence from database, expected at path: .avm_stores_seq
Difference: missing sequence from database, expected at path: .avm_version_roots_seq
Difference: missing table from database, expected at path: .avm_aspects
Difference: missing table from database, expected at path: .avm_child_entries
Difference: missing table from database, expected at path: .avm_history_links
Difference: missing table from database, expected at path: .avm_merge_links
Difference: missing table from database, expected at path: .avm_node_properties'

Alfresco starts up— sort of— but I can't log in, and the database tables are not being recreated:

'alfresco=# \dt
No relations found.
alfresco=# '

I've googled and googled and googled, but all the information I can find has not been of help.

Please help. This is driving me batty! How can I get the database recreated?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
You should crate the databases manually, stop alfresco and tomcat, log in into postgresql and run the following:

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I already did that. Upon startup, Alfresco isn't recreating any of the tables.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I've not found it for your Alfresco version, but you could try the following sql scripts from the 4.0e:
Once done it, you can upgrade it to the 4.1 comparing 4.0's and 4.1's upgrade dbscript's from the 4.2

There should be another way, a script that creates again the tables, but since I don't know… Hope you find it helpful.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi, since I didn't find any confirmation on the Net, I ask here : do you mean that using only the filesystem (contenstore), the whole database (and not only teh index) can be re-built automatically ? I noticed already that Alfresco writes a huge number of very small files every second, but I couldn't find assurance that a backup of only the filesystem would allow to recover the documents. On the contrary, I found several pages talking about orphans, liabilities between DB and filesystems etc, and that is a bit scary.

Note that I'm using Entreprise, not community. But recovery to community would also fit my needs (it's only for severe DR situations)

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
If there's no content store.   Then the database is created.

But to the OP.  Why are you doing this?  If its just a clear out to restore default settings then as well as a drop and recreate of the empty db you also need to delete/remove the content store and index.

Cver, what to backup depends upon your requirements.   With PostgreSQL if alfresco is not running then a file system backup should be  o.k.   If you are using another database or hot backup then you will need the content store and database dump.   As per the backup docs.
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