This query is returning only the file
how to read the meta data of the file
in the second for loop it not displaying the metadata.
please help… code is below
query.statement = "@cm\\:name:\"" + filename + "\" PATH:\"/app:company_home\"";
QueryResult queryResult = repositoryService.query(spacesStore, query, false);
ResultSet resultSet = queryResult.resultSet;
ResultSetRow[] results = resultSet.rows;
//your custom list
IList<CustomResultVO> customResultList = new List<CustomResultVO>();
ResultSetRowNode nodeResult;
List<String> lista = new List<String>();
foreach (ResultSetRow resultRow in results)
{ nodeResult = resultRow.node;
CustomResultVO customResultVo = new CustomResultVO();
customResultVo.Id =;
customResultVo.Type = nodeResult.type;
foreach (NamedValue namedValue in resultRow.columns)
{ if (Constants.PROP_NAME.Equals(
{ customResultVo.Name = namedValue.value; }
else if (Constants.PROP_DESCRIPTION.Equals(
{ customResultVo.Description = namedValue.value; }
customResultList.Add(customResultVo); }