11-04-2016 05:18 AM
Hi All,
I want run following URL and I am using Alfresco 4.1
Below is used remove transactions, acl transactions, nodes and acls from the index. It can also be used for testing wrong transactions and then to fix them.
I don't know how to get txid,acltxid,nodeid and aclid of a node. Please let me know the process to get these IDs.
11-04-2016 06:21 AM
You would have to query using database client UI, e.g pgadmin. The tables in question are alf_node, alf_transaction and alf_access_control_list.
But normally, you do not have to query for this. The SOLR URL parameters are designed to be used from results of REPORT actions, which typically already contain relevant ID values and do the heavy lifting (DB analysis) for you. You also do not need all parameters - they are only listed as examples what IDs you can use. Any one of them would be fine.
11-04-2016 05:57 AM
Node dbid can be found using the node-browser. Look the sys:node-dbid property.
For the txid, acltxid and aclid I think you would have to query the database.
11-04-2016 06:16 AM
Thank for Your quick reply Yann,
I am new to alfresco so please tell which table contains txid, acltxid and aclid of node.
And do i have to query using CMIS browser or in postgres client UI?
11-04-2016 06:21 AM
You would have to query using database client UI, e.g pgadmin. The tables in question are alf_node, alf_transaction and alf_access_control_list.
But normally, you do not have to query for this. The SOLR URL parameters are designed to be used from results of REPORT actions, which typically already contain relevant ID values and do the heavy lifting (DB analysis) for you. You also do not need all parameters - they are only listed as examples what IDs you can use. Any one of them would be fine.
11-04-2016 06:42 AM
Thanks a lot Axel it was really accurate and helpful.
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