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How to jump from callActivity to the end of process?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I define 2 simple processes using service task(service tasks are required), and one calls another using "<callActivity>", e.g. A calls B.
when starting process A, the service task handler(in the following) throws exceptions in process B. now i want to catch the exceptions, and then jump to end of the whole process. that is… the process is stopped as i know.

public class ServiceTask1 implements JavaDelegate {
   public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception {
      try {
         // throw exceptions
      } catch (Exception e) {
         [b]// here catch exceptions, and the whole process is terminated as expectation.[/b]

How can i to do?

Thanks in advance.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
So let me see if I understood you correctly: you want to catch exceptions that are thrown by service tasks in process B, which is called in process A?

Can't you just catch the exception in the service task, and follow a transition that goes to the end of the process ?