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How to get variable's name and value from condition expression?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Export(s):

A process instance is on a UserTask A, and there is a exclusive gateway GW followed A, and the two diverge ways to UserTasks B and C. There is a condition expression ${isDepartment == 'true'} to decide which UserTask (B or C) will be executed in next step.

The current status is the system knows UserTasks A,B,C. When a customer choose UserTask B, system will get a condition expression ${isDepartment == 'true'}  from path A->GW->B. The condition expression is blank to system. System needs to resolver expression and get the variable's name and its value for preparing completing UserTask A. So my question is how to get variable name 'isDepartment' and its value from condition expression like ${isDepartment == 'true'} ? 


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
I'm not sure if I'm following your question … you want to get the value of that variable? What about execution.getVariable('isDepartment') (which works in the expression)