I'm trying to create a "Similar Documents" search in Alfresco (for now, implemented as an action). I couldn't find this functionality in Alfresco, but I did find MoreLikeThis for Lucene (see http://lucene.zones.apache.org:8080/hudson/job/Lucene-Nightly/javadoc/org/apache/lucene/search/simil...). This seems to do what I want, but of course there's also a problem. This class needs the Lucene objects IndexReader and IndexSearcher. Is there any way to get these objects in Alfresco, perhaps with a bean? I found that AbstractLuceneBase has two methods getReader() and getSearcher() which return the Lucene IndexReader and IndexSearcher, but I don't know how I get access this object in my Java code. The only bean getting close is the bean indexerAndSearcherFactory or admLuceneIndexerAndSearcherFactory, but these Java objects can't give me the Lucene objects.