I want to know that, how can I get all the workflow task related to logged in user in android app. I am having the session object by which I am able to get all the sites and all. But don't know how to get all the workflow tasks.
For the moment we have no support for Workflow in general on both SDK and Application side. We hope to start working on this specific part this summer.
Thanks for your reply. I have seen the link that you have given. I am trying to access my tasks. I have seen that there is a web script that returns a JSON that contains all the task details.
GET api/task-instances?authority={authority_id?}&state={in_progress|completed?}&priority={priority?}&pooledTasks={true|false?}& dueBefore={isoDate?}&dueAfter={isoDate?}&properties={prop1, prop2, prop3…?}&maxItems={maxItems?}&skipCount={skipCount?}&exclude={exclude?} <= SimpleTaskInstanceResponse[]
But how can I call it from other application lets say android mobile? I tried to hit the the below url in browser without login.