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how to deploy my file?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I want to try a code that were placed in a book . the code is shown below :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<process-definition xmlns="" name="wf:myReviewAndApprove">

   <swimlane name="initiator" />

   <swimlane name="reviewer">
      <assignment class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.jbpm.AlfrescoAssignment">

   <start-state name="start">
      <task name="wf:mySubmitReviewTask" swimlane="initiator" />
      <transition name="" to="review" />

   <task-node name="review">
      <task name="wf:myReviewTask" swimlane="reviewer" />
      <transition name="approve" to="approve" />
      <transition name="reject" to="reject" />

   <node name="approve">
      <event type="node-enter">
            <variable name="reviewResult" access="write" />
               reviewResult = "approved";
      <transition to="completed" />

   <node name="reject">
      <event type="node-enter">
            <variable name="reviewResult" access="write" />
               reviewResult = "rejected";
      <transition to="completed" />

   <task-node name="completed">
      <event type="node-enter">
         <action class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.jbpm.AlfrescoJavaScript">
               var mail = actions.create("mail");
               mail.parameters.subject =
                  "Review Task " + bpm_workflowDescription;
                  "The article has been " + reviewResult + ".";
      <task name="wf:myCompleteReviewTask" swimlane="initiator" />
      <transition name="" to="end" />

   <end-state name="end" />


I've done these steps:
1- I have placed the folder in a repository of:
2-I have placed also the folder in the workflow definition with a type of XML.

the third step that I have tried to do it is by accessing the link below :
and try to deploy the file into it , but the problem is there is an error that appeared to me , and that's when I typed <help> , I tried this type:

ok> deploy <engine> <definitionClassPath>
        Deploy workflow definition to Alfresco server.
        <definitionClassPath> class path to workflow definition.
        <engine> workflow engine name (eg. activiti)

by this way :

deploy <engine> </webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/workflow/my_review_and_approve_processdefinition.xml>

this what comes out to me :

org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException: 03240015 Exception in Transaction.

I'm using alfresco 4.0d . so where is my error can someone help?

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
your error logs can be read by
tail -f /opt/dm/tomcat/logs/catalina.out
The above I had cut and pasted from my instance
In you case please check for "log" directory under "tomcat". In log directory there will be a file name catalina.out

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
thanks for the reply

but the same problem was appeared to me when I've  post this on my termianl;

tail -f /home/control/alfresco-4.0.d/tomcat/logs/catalina.out


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi himfire,


deploy jbpm alfresco/workflow/my_review_and_approve_processdefinition.xml

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
thanks for the reply

[WARNING] swimlane 'initiator' does not have an assignment
deployed definition id: jbpm$486 , name: jbpm$wf:myReviewAndApprove , title: wf:myReviewAndApprove , version: 1
definition: jbpm$486 , name: wf:myReviewAndApprove , version: 1
workflow: None
path: None

this what appeared to me and when I went to advanced workflow I havent so it there .why?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Please note that the syntax for deploying a workflow as stated in the Workflow Console Wiki doesn't work for newer versions of Alfresco since it lacks the <engine>. As seen in the command listing for alfresco-community-4.0.d (and in the above comment) the new syntax for deploying a workflow is: deploy <engine> <definitionClassPath>, i.e. e.g. "deploy activiti alfresco/module/MyModule/workflow/application_form_review.xml".

If you omit the engine you simply get "Syntax Error."

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Just install the fact in the repository.

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