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How to check the workflow initiator is a member of a specific group?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

The objective was to find out the workflow starter does the member of a specific group.
First, I need to get the member list inside a group.

A simple javascript that get the list of member inside a group, but it failed:

<scriptTask id="scripttask1" name="Script Task" scriptFormat="javascript" activiti:autoStoreVariables="true">
      <script>var node = people.getGroup("GROUP_Marketing");
        logger.log("Marketing member list:        " + people.getMembers(node));        

And I get this error:

SEVERE: Error while closing command context
org.activiti.engine.ActivitiException: problem evaluating script: ReferenceError: "people" is not defined. (<Unknown source>#1) in <Unknown source> at line number 1

So, may I know the correct method to determine the workflow starter does exist the member of a specific group?
Thanks all for your kindly help.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Why are you using 'people' in your script logic? Is that a variable you have defined?
You would need to use the IdentityService to get information about groups and members.

Best regards,

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
oh you are right, because i am using alfresco workflow.
I need to change the script task to alfresco script task.