I have got a service task that uses the following delegate
public class ThrowBpmnErrorDelegate implements JavaDelegate {
public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception {
try {
} catch (BusinessException e) {
throw new BpmnError("SomeExceptionOccurred");
and my xml for catching the error is
<serviceTask id="servicetask4" name="My Service Task" activiti:class="aaa.bbb.process.delegates.ThrowBpmnErrorDelegate"></serviceTask>
<boundaryEvent id="boundaryerror1" name="Error" attachedToRef="servicetask4">
<errorEventDefinition errorRef="SomeExceptionOccurred "> </errorEventDefinition>
This works perfectly ok and the error is caught by the boundary error event.
BUT if I use a listener that does the same thing (i.e. throws a BpmnError) as below
public class ThrowBpmnErrorListener implements ExecutionListener
public void notify(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception
try {
} catch (BusinessException e) {
throw new BpmnError("SomeExceptionOccurred");
and my xml for catching the error is
<serviceTask id="servicetask4" name="My Service Task" activiti:class="aaa.bbb.process.delegates.SomeDelegateNotThrowingError">
<activiti:executionListener event="start" class="aaa.bbb.process.listeners.ThrowBpmnErrorListener">
<boundaryEvent id="boundaryerror1" name="Error" attachedToRef="servicetask4">
<errorEventDefinition errorRef=" SomeExceptionOccurred"> </errorEventDefinition>
Then this does not work. So my question is there any limitation that a boundary error event cannot catch an error from a service task if the error is thrown inside a listener used in the service task?