I am trying to add a custom workflow and want to assign it a sequential auto-increment number. What is correct way of adding it. ?
I don't want to use "task-id" as its number may get updated by various other task where as I only want to increment counter only if my custom workflow is called.
Could you please elaborate more on your requirement? Do you want to maintain a counter number in order to identify how many workflow instances have been initiated for your custom workflow or you are trying to achieve something else.
I have a custom workflow called "ABC". I want to assigned a number (starting from 1) to it every time this workflow is called by any user. This way every instance of workflow "ABC" get an id.
Each time a workflow gets initiated, the workflow process instance gets assigned a unique workflow instance id - workflowid. Have you checked that or still you want to separately maintain a coutner for your workfow?