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How to add 'CC' and 'BCC' list in javascript mail executer

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Friends,

   I have created a rule on update the document.

  I have added a javscript on created rule.

   below is my javascript.

var mail = actions.create("mail"); = ""
  mail.parameters.subject = "Hello from JavaScript";
  mail.parameters.from =;
  mail.parameters.template = companyhome.childByNamePath("Data Dictionary/Email Templates/sample.ftl");
  mail.parameters.text = "Welcome";

  My problem is i have to add 'CC' and 'BCC' list also in the above javascript.

  I have tried with and mail.parameters.bcc.  but, it's not working.

   is it possible in Alfresco?

   can any one help me in this issue?

   if possible which files i have to modify?

   Thanks in advance.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Bring this topic back up again, as I have an identical problem.

Anyone ? Smiley Happy

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Ok I've figured this out in case anyone else has the same problem.

Basically the mail action does not support that. you have to actually modify the MailActionexecuter class. Here is my modified version of that class (I include the code for the whole class):

package org.alfresco.sample;

* Mail action executor implementation.
public class MailActionExecuter extends ActionExecuterAbstractBase
    implements InitializingBean, TestModeable
    private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(MailActionExecuter.class);
     * Action executor constants
    public static final String NAME = "mail";
    public static final String PARAM_TO = "to";
    public static final String PARAM_CC = "cc";
    public static final String PARAM_BCC = "bcc";
    public static final String PARAM_TO_MANY = "to_many";
    public static final String PARAM_CC_MANY = "cc_many";
    public static final String PARAM_BCC_MANY = "bcc_many";
    public static final String PARAM_SUBJECT = "subject";
    public static final String PARAM_TEXT = "text";
    public static final String PARAM_HTML = "html";
    public static final String PARAM_FROM = "from";
    public static final String PARAM_TEMPLATE = "template";
    public static final String PARAM_TEMPLATE_MODEL = "template_model";
    public static final String PARAM_IGNORE_SEND_FAILURE = "ignore_send_failure";
    public static final String PARAM_SEND_AFTER_COMMIT = "send_after_commit";
     * From address
    private static final String FROM_ADDRESS = "";
    private static final String REPO_REMOTE_URL = "http://localhost:8080/alfresco";
     * The java mail sender
    private JavaMailSender javaMailSender;
     * The Template service
    private TemplateService templateService;
     * The Person service
    private PersonService personService;
     * The Authentication service
    private AuthenticationService authService;
     * The Node Service
    private NodeService nodeService;
     * The Authority Service
    private AuthorityService authorityService;
     * The Service registry
    private ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry;
     * Mail header encoding scheme
    private String headerEncoding = null;
     * Default from address
    private String fromAddress = null;
     * Default alfresco installation url
    private String repoRemoteUrl = null;
    private boolean sendTestMessage = false;
    private String testMessageTo = null;
    private String testMessageSubject = "Test message";
    private String testMessageText = "This is a test message.";

     * Test mode prevents email messages from being sent.
     * It is used when unit testing when we don't actually want to send out email messages.
     * MER 20/11/2009 This is a quick and dirty fix. It should be replaced by being
     * "mocked out" or some other better way of running the unit tests.
    private boolean testMode = false;
    private MimeMessage lastTestMessage;
     * @param javaMailSender    the java mail sender
    public void setMailService(JavaMailSender javaMailSender)
        this.javaMailSender = javaMailSender;
     * @param templateService   the TemplateService
    public void setTemplateService(TemplateService templateService)
        this.templateService = templateService;
     * @param personService     the PersonService
    public void setPersonService(PersonService personService)
        this.personService = personService;
     * @param authService       the AuthenticationService
    public void setAuthenticationService(AuthenticationService authService)
        this.authService = authService;
     * @param serviceRegistry   the ServiceRegistry
    public void setServiceRegistry(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry)
        this.serviceRegistry = serviceRegistry;
     * @param authorityService  the AuthorityService
    public void setAuthorityService(AuthorityService authorityService)
        this.authorityService = authorityService;

     * @param nodeService       the NodeService to set.
    public void setNodeService(NodeService nodeService)
        this.nodeService = nodeService;
     * @param headerEncoding     The mail header encoding to set.
    public void setHeaderEncoding(String headerEncoding)
        this.headerEncoding = headerEncoding;

     * @param fromAddress   The default mail address.
    public void setFromAddress(String fromAddress)
        this.fromAddress = fromAddress;

     * @param repoRemoteUrl The default alfresco installation url
    public void setRepoRemoteUrl(String repoRemoteUrl)
        this.repoRemoteUrl = repoRemoteUrl;
    public void setTestMessageTo(String testMessageTo)
        this.testMessageTo = testMessageTo;
    public void setTestMessageSubject(String testMessageSubject)
        this.testMessageSubject = testMessageSubject;
    public void setTestMessageText(String testMessageText)
        this.testMessageText = testMessageText;

    public void setSendTestMessage(boolean sendTestMessage)
        this.sendTestMessage = sendTestMessage;

    public void init()
        if (sendTestMessage)
            Map<String, Serializable> params = new HashMap<String, Serializable>();
            params.put(PARAM_TO, testMessageTo);
            params.put(PARAM_SUBJECT, testMessageSubject);
            params.put(PARAM_TEXT, testMessageText);
            Action ruleAction = serviceRegistry.getActionService().createAction(NAME, params);
            executeImpl(ruleAction, null);

     * Initialise bean
    public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception
        if (fromAddress == null || fromAddress.length() == 0)
            fromAddress = FROM_ADDRESS;
        if (repoRemoteUrl == null || repoRemoteUrl.length() == 0)
            repoRemoteUrl = REPO_REMOTE_URL;
     * Send an email message
     * @throws AlfrescoRuntimeExeption
    protected void executeImpl(
            final Action ruleAction,
            final NodeRef actionedUponNodeRef)
        if (sendAfterCommit(ruleAction))
        AlfrescoTransactionSupport.bindListener(new TransactionListenerAdapter()
            public void afterCommit()
                    prepareAndSendEmail(ruleAction, actionedUponNodeRef);           
            prepareAndSendEmail(ruleAction, actionedUponNodeRef);           
    private boolean sendAfterCommit(Action action)
        Boolean sendAfterCommit = (Boolean) action.getParameterValue(PARAM_SEND_AFTER_COMMIT);
        return sendAfterCommit == null ? false : sendAfterCommit.booleanValue();
    private void torecipient(MimeMessageHelper message, Action ruleAction, String param) throws MessagingException {
        // set recipient
        String to = (String)ruleAction.getParameterValue(param);
        if (to != null && to.length() != 0)
           if (param.equals(PARAM_TO))
           else if (param.equals(PARAM_CC))
           else if (param.equals(PARAM_BCC))

            // see if multiple recipients have been supplied - as a list of authorities
            Serializable authoritiesValue = ruleAction.getParameterValue(param+"_many");
            List<String> authorities = null;
            if (authoritiesValue != null)
                if (authoritiesValue instanceof String)
                    authorities = new ArrayList<String>(1);
                    authorities = (List<String>)authoritiesValue;
            if (authorities != null && authorities.size() != 0)
                List<String> recipients = new ArrayList<String>(authorities.size());
                for (String authority : authorities)
                    AuthorityType authType = AuthorityType.getAuthorityType(authority);
                    if (authType.equals(AuthorityType.USER))
                        if (personService.personExists(authority) == true)
                            NodeRef person = personService.getPerson(authority);
                            String address = (String)nodeService.getProperty(person, ContentModel.PROP_EMAIL);
                            if (address != null && address.length() != 0 && validateAddress(address))
                    else if (authType.equals(AuthorityType.GROUP) || authType.equals(AuthorityType.EVERYONE))
                        // Notify all members of the group
                        Set<String> users;
                        if (authType.equals(AuthorityType.GROUP))
                            users = authorityService.getContainedAuthorities(AuthorityType.USER, authority, false);
                            users = authorityService.getAllAuthorities(AuthorityType.USER);
                        for (String userAuth : users)
                            if (personService.personExists(userAuth) == true)
                                NodeRef person = personService.getPerson(userAuth);
                                String address = (String)nodeService.getProperty(person, ContentModel.PROP_EMAIL);
                                if (address != null && address.length() != 0)
                if(recipients.size() > 0)
                   if (param.equals(PARAM_TO))
                      message.setTo(recipients.toArray(new String[recipients.size()]));
                   else if (param.equals(PARAM_CC))
                      message.setCc(recipients.toArray(new String[recipients.size()]));
                   else if (param.equals(PARAM_BCC))
                      message.setBcc(recipients.toArray(new String[recipients.size()]));
                   if (param.equals(PARAM_TO))
                    // All recipients were invalid
                    throw new MailPreparationException(
                            "All recipients for the mail action were invalid"
               if (param.equals(PARAM_TO))
                // No recipients have been specified
                throw new MailPreparationException(
                        "No recipient has been specified for the mail action"
    private void prepareAndSendEmail(final Action ruleAction, final NodeRef actionedUponNodeRef)
        // Create the mime mail message
        MimeMessagePreparator mailPreparer = new MimeMessagePreparator()
            public void prepare(MimeMessage mimeMessage) throws MessagingException
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                MimeMessageHelper message = new MimeMessageHelper(mimeMessage);
                // set header encoding if one has been supplied
                if (headerEncoding != null && headerEncoding.length() != 0)
                    mimeMessage.setHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", headerEncoding);
                torecipient(message, ruleAction, PARAM_TO);
                torecipient(message, ruleAction, PARAM_CC);
                torecipient(message, ruleAction, PARAM_BCC);
                // from person
                NodeRef fromPerson = null;
                if (! authService.isCurrentUserTheSystemUser())
                    fromPerson = personService.getPerson(authService.getCurrentUserName());
                // set subject line
                // See if an email template has been specified
                String text = null;
                NodeRef templateRef = (NodeRef)ruleAction.getParameterValue(PARAM_TEMPLATE);
                if (templateRef != null)

                    Map<String, Object> suppliedModel = null;
                    if(ruleAction.getParameterValue(PARAM_TEMPLATE_MODEL) != null)
                        Object m = ruleAction.getParameterValue(PARAM_TEMPLATE_MODEL);
                        if(m instanceof Map)
                            suppliedModel = (Map<String, Object>)m;
                            logger.warn("Skipping unsupported email template model parameters of type "
                                    + m.getClass().getName() + " : " + m.toString());
                    // build the email template model
                    Map<String, Object> model = createEmailTemplateModel(actionedUponNodeRef, suppliedModel, fromPerson);
                    // process the template against the model
                    text = templateService.processTemplate("freemarker", templateRef.toString(), model);
                // set the text body of the message
                boolean isHTML = false;
                if (text == null)
                    text = (String)ruleAction.getParameterValue(PARAM_TEXT);
                if (text != null)
                    // Note: only simplistic match here - expects <html tag at the start of the text
                    String htmlPrefix = "<html";
                    if (text.length() >= htmlPrefix.length() &&
                            text.substring(0, htmlPrefix.length()).equalsIgnoreCase(htmlPrefix))
                        isHTML = true;
                    text = (String)ruleAction.getParameterValue(PARAM_HTML);
                    if (text != null)
                        // assume HTML
                        isHTML = true;
                if (text != null)
                   logger.fatal("NOT FATAL: 4 –> Setting Text");

                    message.setText(text, isHTML);
                // set the from address
                String fromActualUser = null;
                if (fromPerson != null)
                    fromActualUser = (String) nodeService.getProperty(fromPerson, ContentModel.PROP_EMAIL);
                if (fromActualUser != null && fromActualUser.length() != 0)
                    String from = (String)ruleAction.getParameterValue(PARAM_FROM);
                    if (from == null || from.length() == 0)
            // Send the message unless we are in "testMode"
               try {
                  MimeMessage mimeMessage = javaMailSender.createMimeMessage();
                  lastTestMessage = mimeMessage;
               } catch(Exception e) {
        catch (MailException e)
            String to = (String)ruleAction.getParameterValue(PARAM_TO);
            if (to == null)
               Object obj = ruleAction.getParameterValue(PARAM_TO_MANY);
               if (obj != null)
                  to = obj.toString();
            // always log the failure
            logger.error("Failed to send email to " + to, e);
            // optionally ignore the throwing of the exception
            Boolean ignoreError = (Boolean)ruleAction.getParameterValue(PARAM_IGNORE_SEND_FAILURE);
            if (ignoreError == null || ignoreError.booleanValue() == false)
                throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException("Failed to send email to:" + to, e);
        catch (NullPointerException e)
            String to = (String)ruleAction.getParameterValue(PARAM_TO);
            if (to == null)
               Object obj = ruleAction.getParameterValue(PARAM_TO_MANY);
               if (obj != null)
                  to = obj.toString();
            logger.error("NullPointerException: "+e.getMessage());
            // always log the failure
            logger.error("Failed to send email to " + to, e);
            // optionally ignore the throwing of the exception
            Boolean ignoreError = (Boolean)ruleAction.getParameterValue(PARAM_IGNORE_SEND_FAILURE);
            if (ignoreError == null || ignoreError.booleanValue() == false)
                throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException("Failed to send email to:" + to, e);
     * Return true if address has valid format
     * @param address
     * @return
    private boolean validateAddress(String address)
        boolean result = false;
        EmailValidator emailValidator = EmailValidator.getInstance();
        if (emailValidator.isValid(address))
            result = true;
            logger.error("Failed to send email to '" + address + "' as the address is incorrectly formatted" );
        return result;

    * @param ref    The node representing the current document ref (or null)
    * @return Model map for email templates
   private Map<String, Object> createEmailTemplateModel(NodeRef ref, Map<String, Object> suppliedModel, NodeRef fromPerson)
      Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(8, 1.0f);
      if (fromPerson != null)
          model.put("person", new TemplateNode(fromPerson, serviceRegistry, null));
      if (ref != null)
          model.put("document", new TemplateNode(ref, serviceRegistry, null));
          NodeRef parent = serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getPrimaryParent(ref).getParentRef();
          model.put("space", new TemplateNode(parent, serviceRegistry, null));
      // current date/time is useful to have and isn't supplied by FreeMarker by default
      model.put("date", new Date());
      // add custom method objects
      model.put("hasAspect", new HasAspectMethod());
      model.put("message", new I18NMessageMethod());
      model.put("dateCompare", new DateCompareMethod());
      // add URLs
      model.put("url", new URLHelper(repoRemoteUrl));
      model.put(TemplateService.KEY_SHARE_URL, UrlUtil.getShareUrl(this.serviceRegistry.getSysAdminParams()));
      // if the caller specified a model, use it without overriding
      if(suppliedModel != null && suppliedModel.size() > 0)
          for(String key : suppliedModel.keySet())
                      logger.debug("Not allowing overwriting of built in model parameter " + key);
                  model.put(key, suppliedModel.get(key));
      // all done
      return model;
     * Add the parameter definitions
    protected void addParameterDefinitions(List<ParameterDefinition> paramList)
        paramList.add(new ParameterDefinitionImpl(PARAM_TO, DataTypeDefinition.TEXT, false, getParamDisplayLabel(PARAM_TO)));
        paramList.add(new ParameterDefinitionImpl(PARAM_TO_MANY, DataTypeDefinition.ANY, false, getParamDisplayLabel(PARAM_TO_MANY), true));
        paramList.add(new ParameterDefinitionImpl(PARAM_CC, DataTypeDefinition.TEXT, false, getParamDisplayLabel(PARAM_CC)));
        paramList.add(new ParameterDefinitionImpl(PARAM_CC_MANY, DataTypeDefinition.ANY, false, getParamDisplayLabel(PARAM_CC_MANY), true));
        paramList.add(new ParameterDefinitionImpl(PARAM_BCC, DataTypeDefinition.TEXT, false, getParamDisplayLabel(PARAM_BCC)));
        paramList.add(new ParameterDefinitionImpl(PARAM_BCC_MANY, DataTypeDefinition.ANY, false, getParamDisplayLabel(PARAM_BCC_MANY), true));
        paramList.add(new ParameterDefinitionImpl(PARAM_SUBJECT, DataTypeDefinition.TEXT, true, getParamDisplayLabel(PARAM_SUBJECT)));
        paramList.add(new ParameterDefinitionImpl(PARAM_TEXT, DataTypeDefinition.TEXT, false, getParamDisplayLabel(PARAM_TEXT)));
        paramList.add(new ParameterDefinitionImpl(PARAM_FROM, DataTypeDefinition.TEXT, false, getParamDisplayLabel(PARAM_FROM)));
        paramList.add(new ParameterDefinitionImpl(PARAM_TEMPLATE, DataTypeDefinition.NODE_REF, false, getParamDisplayLabel(PARAM_TEMPLATE), false, "ac-email-templates"));
        paramList.add(new ParameterDefinitionImpl(PARAM_TEMPLATE_MODEL, DataTypeDefinition.ANY, false, getParamDisplayLabel(PARAM_TEMPLATE_MODEL), true));
        paramList.add(new ParameterDefinitionImpl(PARAM_IGNORE_SEND_FAILURE, DataTypeDefinition.BOOLEAN, false, getParamDisplayLabel(PARAM_IGNORE_SEND_FAILURE)));

    public void setTestMode(boolean testMode)
        this.testMode = testMode;

    public boolean isTestMode()
        return testMode;

     * Returns the most recent message that wasn't sent
     *  because TestMode had been enabled.
    public MimeMessage retrieveLastTestMessage()
        return lastTestMessage;
     * Used when test mode is enabled.
     * Clears the record of the last message that was sent.
    public void clearLastTestMessage()
        lastTestMessage = null;

    public static class URLHelper
        String contextPath;
        String serverPath;
        public URLHelper(String repoRemoteUrl)
            String[] parts = repoRemoteUrl.split("/");
            this.contextPath = "/" + parts[parts.length - 1];
            this.serverPath = parts[0] + "//" + parts[2];
        public String getContext()
           return this.contextPath;

        public String getServerPath()
           return this.serverPath;

You can use the sdk to apply the changes. Build a jar using the SDK CustomAction example. This is how your context xml should look like:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

     <!– Override mail Action Bean –>
    <bean id="mail" class="org.alfresco.sample.MailActionExecuter" parent="action-executer">
      <property name="mailService">
         <ref bean="mailService"></ref>
      <property name="templateService">
         <ref bean="templateService"></ref>
      <property name="personService">
         <ref bean="personService"></ref>
      <property name="authenticationService">
         <ref bean="authenticationService"></ref>
      <property name="nodeService">
         <ref bean="nodeService"></ref>
      <property name="authorityService">
         <ref bean="authorityService"></ref>
      <property name="serviceRegistry">
         <ref bean="ServiceRegistry"></ref>

Where this custom jar, developed using instructions above should be placed in order to be read by Alfresco Share web application?