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How to access AAAR dash board

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
I am trying to make AAAR work on CE 4.2.e running on fedora 19.
my installation went smooth with out error.
Now I am trying to access the AAAR dash board as shown in the video demo
the url "http://localhost:8080/pentaho/content/pentaho-cdf-dd/" is not active for me
Do I need to do some thing else to make it active, any tomact configuration wile should I do
Guidance and advice requested
Joseph John

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator
Hi bisana,

What you mention is the so called 'AAAR Analytics' (
This relevant feature is planned to be released as soon as possibile.
I'm currently working on it to integrate the installation process with the Pentaho Market.

I'll share with the community some kind of news on that.

Please, stay tuned and thank you for the interest.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi Franceso,
Thanks for the reply.
I would like to explore more, on customization of the reports.
Is there any advice for me, my aim is to find a good reporting tool, present it to the decesion makers
If would like to involve in AAAR Analytics project what should I do

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator
Hi Bisana,

The AAAR solution is developed as a pure Business Intelligence project, in this case on the Pentaho Suite.
In practice, this means that the reports dashboards and analytics are (relevant) samples of what could be done.
But the solution could expose more than the samples.

If you are interested (as I imagine) to develop the reports, dashboards and analytics for you or your customers, this is (quite) easy to do.
From this point of view you can develop reports, dashboards and analytics with the Pentaho Suite and publish them very easily in the AAAR solution.

Could be a cool contribution to define a collection of reports to share with the community.
I have had some contacts in the past on that item but we could define a smart collection.

Finally, for the one of you interested in this task, contact me privately and I could link them as external resources or include them in the future releases of the solution.
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