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How to accede remotely to Afresco core repository?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all,

I am new in the forum, and I am beginning with the Alfresco technology. I think Alfresco es very good Content Management System, and I want to work with this technology, but I have consulted the wiki and other documentation and I have not found how to acceder remotely to the core of Alfresco.

I have downloaded the source code too.

Could anyone tell me how can I do it? Could anyone help me to begin with my project?

Tanks a lot

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all,

I am new in the forum, and I am beginning with the Alfresco technology. I think Alfresco es very good Content Management System, and I want to work with this technology, but I have consulted the wiki and other documentation and I have not found how to acceder remotely to the core of Alfresco.

I have downloaded the source code too.

Could anyone tell me how can I do it? Could anyone help me to begin with my project?

Tanks a lot

The best way to access the repository remotely at the moment is web services.

You may also want to keep an eye on this wiki page