04-09-2009 03:46 AM
04-09-2009 04:03 AM
04-09-2009 08:03 AM
I've just (yesterday) added REST api's for groups to HEAD.
If you want to do this with older versions of Alfresco you will need to use the Java AuthorityService.
private ArrayList<AssociationDefinition> getAssociations(){
DictionaryService dictionaryService = Repository.getServiceRegistry(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()).getDictionaryService();
ArrayList<QName> qnames = new ArrayList<QName>(
ArrayList<AssociationDefinition> associations = new ArrayList<AssociationDefinition>();
for (QName qname : qnames) {
return associations;
04-09-2009 11:48 AM
Hi Alfy Users,
I look for a method for quesy the group in ALfresco, I just watch the pickerCallBack. For users and run ok,
The point now is to search for group and document. Someone of you know how??
Thanks in advance
Best Regards.
public SelectItem[] pickerGroups(int filterIndex, final String contains){
SelectItem[] gropusItems = new SelectItem[authorityService.getAllAuthorities(AuthorityType.GROUP).size()];
Iterator<String> iterator = authorityService.getAllAuthorities(AuthorityType.GROUP).iterator();
for (int i = 0;iterator.hasNext();i++) {
String value = iterator.next();
gropusItems[i] = new SelectItem(value,value);
return gropusItems;
04-22-2009 09:30 AM
StoreRef storeRef = new StoreRef("alfrescoUserStore","user");
searcher.query(storeRef, "lucene", "TYPE: \\\"{http://www.alfresco.org/model/user/1.0}authorityContainer\\\"", null, null)
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