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How could I know if a query goes to SOLR or DB?

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

I'm using Alfresco I configure it to do transactional queries and go to DB first. But I want to confirm that all works ok and my queries are transactional and go to DB. How can I see it? I view solr/report/ page, for example, but I don't understand what parameters indicates if my query go to SOLR or not. Is possible to know? Maybe simply making solr inactive? How can I desactive solr?

Thanks in advance!

Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

you need to alter your logging settings to check if searches really do go to the DB. Specifically you'd want to set

in your This will log out (alfresco.log) how the search system directs queries and falls back from DB to index if necessary.


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Thanks AFaust!

Then I'm doing something wrong with the queries, I can see it… When I put this on my log, shows what is doing:

2016-01-20 13:15:46,552 DEBUG [] [http-apr-8090-exec-2] Trying db query for db-afts for SearchParameters [language=fts-alfresco, query=TYPE:"{exp.model}voc_exp" AND =@dFolder\:dNumber:"0801930008" AND @exp\:num_exp:"test new 3", stores=[workspace://SpacesStore], queryParameterDefinitions=[], excludeDataInTheCurrentTransaction=false, sortDefinitions=[], locales=[], mlAnalaysisMode=null, limitBy=UNLIMITED, permissionEvaluation=EAGER, limit=500, allAttributes=[], textAttributes=[], maxItems=2147483647, skipCount=0, defaultFTSOperator=OR, defaultFTSFieldOperator=OR, queryTemplates={}, namespace=, maxPermissionChecks=2147483647, maxPermissionCheckTimeMillis=-1, defaultFieldName=TEXT, fieldFacets=[], useInMemorySort=null, maxRawResultSetSizeForInMemorySort=null, excludeTenantFilter=false, queryConsistency=DEFAULT]

2016-01-20 13:15:46,822 DEBUG [] [http-apr-8090-exec-2] DB query failed for db-afts for SearchParameters [language=fts-alfresco, query=TYPE:"{exp.model}voc_exp" AND =@dFolder\:dNumber:"0801930008" AND @exp\:num_exp:"test new 3", stores=[workspace://SpacesStore], queryParameterDefinitions=[], excludeDataInTheCurrentTransaction=false, sortDefinitions=[], locales=[], mlAnalaysisMode=null, limitBy=UNLIMITED, permissionEvaluation=EAGER, limit=500, allAttributes=[], textAttributes=[], maxItems=2147483647, skipCount=0, defaultFTSOperator=OR, defaultFTSFieldOperator=OR, queryTemplates={KEY_REPLACELONESTAR=ISNODE:T}, namespace=, maxPermissionChecks=2147483647, maxPermissionCheckTimeMillis=-1, defaultFieldName=TEXT, fieldFacets=[], useInMemorySort=null, maxRawResultSetSizeForInMemorySort=null, excludeTenantFilter=false, queryConsistency=DEFAULT] 00200001 Analysis mode not supported for DB DEFAULT

2016-01-20 13:15:46,823 DEBUG [] [http-apr-8090-exec-2] Using SOLR query: db-afts for SearchParameters

Seeing this log I understand that first try to do a DB query, but the query is not supported and then try a SOLR query that works ok.

But why my query is not supported by FTS? This is my query:

TYPE:"{exp.model}voc_exp" AND =@exp\:dNumber:"0801930008" AND @exp\:num_exp:"test new 3"

and in my model these parameters are defined like here:

<namespace uri="exp.model" prefix="exp"/>
<type name="exp:voc_exp">
  <property name="exp:dNumber" tab="-1" editVisible="false" createVisible="false" editable="false" inheritable="false" calculable="false" >
      <title>Code number</title>
      <index enabled="true">

<property name="exp:num_exp" editVisible="true" createVisible="true" editable="true" inheritable="false" calculable="true">
    <title>Expedient number</title>
    <index enabled="true">
        <constraint ref="desal:stringLength100" />

Both are d:text indexed values, and the type is defined ok. I'm not using PATH or similars. What is not supported? I need to do a DB search (not SOLR), and I'm using Alfresco And I add on my this:

## Force transactional #


### Optional patch that adds required indexes to the DB ###

Thanks in advance

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
A comment about this… the "@" symbol is not supported by direct DB FTS queries?? Maybe is the problem? I read on wiki that is optional, not no supported.

Anyway, I try to delete this symbol, and the "\" to escape. Now my query is:

TYPE:"{exp.model}voc_exp" AND =exp:dNumber:"0801930008" AND exp:num_exp:"test new 3"

But the problem is the same: "Analysis mode not supported for DB DEFAULT"

What's the problem on this query? How will be the correct supported query?

Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

the problem is not the @ character, but that you have not prefixed the third fragment searching for exp:num_exp with a =
The DB AFTS only supports exact text property matches, so you must always use =exp:num_exp:"test new 3" or =@exp:num_exp:"test new 3"


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Perfect! I try putting = before all properties to search and goes to BD without error of syntax.

The problem now is… I can't put "=" because I need to do a case insensitive search, in order to find "test", "TEST", "Test", etc.

When I add the "=" the search being exact and case sensitive. How can I do this search to DB but with a case insensitive search?

Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

you can't perform case insensitive searches via DB AFTS. It is just that way…


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Oh… Well… I try to think another solutions. Maybe is possible to configure the DB to perform the case insensitive. Or at least, update all the properties that I need to search and do an UpperCase, in order to store all in Alfresco in UpperCase, for example. I thank that search to DB with insensitive searches was a common request and exists a method/query to do it. What a shame… Anyway, thanks for your information Axel.