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How activate extractor metadata action in a space?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I'm newbie to Alfresco.
I would use the metadata extractor in a space where i have openoffice documents.
I find in wiki that "One of the default actions that can be triggered in a space is Extract Common Metadata"  but if I search between actions  of a space I can't find this.
How can I activate this action in a space?
Many Thanks

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
Anything you want to do automatically to the contents of a space is typically handled with a "Rule Action". Try this:

1. Go to your Space.
2. Click More Actions, Manage Content Rules
3. Click Create Rule
4. Choose a condition. For now, maybe "All Items" is a good choice.
5. Click Add to List, then Next.
6. You'll see "extract common metadata fields from content" in the list of available actions. Select it.
7. Click Set Values and Add, then click Next.
8. Give the rule a title and description, then click Finish.

Now when you add files to that folder Alfresco will attempt to match a metadata extracter based on the content mimetype, and if it finds one, it will run it.
