08-10-2011 06:59 AM
Java classes
All custom classes that are used in your process (eg. JavaDelegates used in servicetaks or event-listeners, TaskListeners, …) should be present on the engine's classpath when an instance of the process is started.
But during deployment of a business archive, those classes don't have to be present on the classpath. This means that you're delegation classes don't have to be on the classpath when deploying a new business archive with ant.
When you are using the demo setup and you want to add your custom classes, you should add a jar containing your classes to the activiti-rest webapp lib. Don't forget to include the dependencies of your custom classes (if any) as wel. This is the same location where the activiti-engine jar is located. You can find this folder inside your distro at ${activiti.home}/apps/apache-tomcat-6.0.29/webapps/activiti-rest/lib/
08-10-2011 07:05 AM
08-19-2011 03:59 AM
08-24-2011 04:31 AM
08-24-2011 07:18 AM
With the new explorer, hot deployment of processes is possible, no problem.
Not only rest allows deploying, all calls to API deploy work (originating from rest or not).
I'm not very familiar with the activiti-osgi bundle, but I remember Guillaime Nodet (FuseSource) doing a hell of a job to get that right, so I'm quite confident activiti-osgi bundle is what you need.
11-01-2015 07:18 AM
11-02-2015 03:49 AM
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