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Hiding the 'Data Dictionary' space and sub-spaces.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Is there a way to hide the "Data Dictionary" space from the Company Home display?

If I have understood properly the concept, the subspaces contained under "Data Dictionary" contain a series of items that an Alfresco administrator can extend, adapt and customize.

But normal end users may be confused by seeing this entry in a list of "folders" that usually is more related to a business view of the corporate content: "Marketing materials, Human resources, IT Department docs, Products… and what the heck is this 'Data Dictionary' folder?" - I'm using the words of my secretary.

I assume that these are "system" spaces that can't be deleted or moved, but is there a way to hide them? Is it enough to change the security of the 'Data Dictionary' space and make it visible only to the Administrator user?

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi folks,

I've the same problem. I configured Data Dictionary folder's permissions to "hide" it for the not Administrator users, but indeed I get some contents of "Data Dictionary" with the resuts of my searchs. Has anyone found any solution for this stuff??

Thanks a lot!!!

A solution for me could be to configure the advanced search form to search in my Enterprise Folder instead in the repository's root so the Sata Dictionary content will not appear in the results…
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