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Help: Want AND search behavior in category search in advanced search

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Added category in advance search form for content, but when selecting multiple categories, it works like OR behavior. I want to search like AND, Is there any configuration to do this.

Please help, I'm new to alfresco. TIA

Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

yes, there is configuration for it, which unfortunately was not documented until just now. See <a href="">the Forms wiki page</a> for details on the <b>mode</b> parameter.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Its not working Smiley Sad Still working like default <b>OR</b> behavior.

here is the change I made in share-form-config.xml for category

                <field id="cm:categories">
                  <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/category.ftl">
                    <control-param name="compactMode">true</control-param>
          <control-param name="mode">and</control-param>
          <control-param name="showSubCategoriesOption">true</control-param>

Please let me know if I missing anything.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I'm not sure this is best solution or not, I solved this requirement by a small change in search.lib.js file in path alfresco\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\templates\webscripts\org\alfresco\slingshot\search.

In  method getSearchResults(params) change this line.  'OR' to 'AND'

      catQuery += (firstCat ? '' : ' AND ') + "PATH:\"" + catNode.qnamePath + (useSubCats ? "//*\"" : "/member\"" );

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

having not much background in Alfresco, but a lot of background in search, here my suggestion:

<li>if the user selects several categories within the same category, they should be connected with OR (e.g. user selects languages/English and languages/German => they most probably want documents taht are German or English, not documents which are English and German at the same time)
<li>if the user selects several categories contained in different categories, they should be connected with AND (e.g. user selects langages/English and region/EMEA => they most probably want documents in English language from EMEA, not all English documents from any region plus all documents from EMEA in any language)

(assuming a 'properly built' category tree – where the subcategories are actually subcategories)