02-16-2013 10:00 PM
02-18-2013 03:53 AM
02-19-2013 09:01 PM
I don't understand how an image can be 'too big' to be displayed? Does the server return wrong data?
That being said, Tijs is currently working on integrating a javascript only process diagram viewer in Explorer, might be worthwhile to check that out.
02-20-2013 07:12 AM
02-20-2013 09:05 AM
02-25-2013 09:46 PM
Okay, there are two use cases here:
- rest is used by another service (not html): then the security is importent
- rest is used from html/js: in this case the current solution is not workable. So we will remove security from that specific operation.
Hey Facebook also exposes your pics if you know the url! 😉
02-26-2013 05:03 AM
04-29-2015 03:50 PM
05-07-2015 08:28 AM
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