12-03-2016 11:11 AM
Hello How can figure out the remaining space of the alfresco or busy system.
12-03-2016 12:16 PM
If you are looking for free space on server then you can check it by following command
"df -h"
12-03-2016 12:46 PM
Can it be used in Windows
12-03-2016 01:20 PM
No, for windows you can simple see disk space directly from user interface.
Am I missing something?
12-04-2016 04:15 AM
The question of how to link Office with alfresco 5 on Windows
12-04-2016 01:09 PM
I did not understand what exactly you are trying to achieve?
12-05-2016 05:24 AM
I want to know the volume of content that is stored in the system ??
I want to know how can I set up Office file through x alfresco on Windows؟؟
12-05-2016 07:43 AM
For volume of content stored in system.
Check out location of your alf_data.
It is mentioned by property called "dir.root" in your alfresco-global.properties file. alfresco-global.properties is normally resides under
Check the size of that folder which dir.root is pointing and that will give you idea on size of your content store.
For second question I suggest you to create new post with more details.
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