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Green Energy Setup

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
   Was looking at alfresco webstudio getting started tutorial. To start green energy sample site, it says click on create and choose existing. When i click on create button it just hangs and does not proceed.  Should we upload some zip related to sample site before we see it. i did read a search on wiki i could not find any help there.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
    Go to <install dir>:\Alfresco\tomcat\webapps\studio\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\webscripts\web-studio\api\prebuilt
       Make the "getRemoteSite()" function commented. so that we can create a Blank website
i m putting here my perbuilt.js file for reference.
 function addSite(sites, id, title, description, previewImageUrl, archiveUrl)
   sites[id] = { };
   sites[id].title = title;
   sites[id].description = description;
   sites[id].previewImageUrl = previewImageUrl;
   sites[id].archiveUrl = archiveUrl;

function getSites()
   var sites = { };
   // add in the "none" option
   addSite(sites, "none", "Blank Web Site", "A starter site", "/images/wizards/blank-website.png", "");

   // call over to network and retrieve sites
/*var remoteSites = getRemoteSites("alfresco-network", "/service/webstudio/sites");
   if(remoteSites != null)
      for(var key in remoteSites)
         sites[key] = remoteSites[key];
   }    */
   return sites;   

function getSite(id)
   return getSites()[id];   

function getRemoteSites(endpointId, uri)
   var connector = remote.connect(endpointId);
   var feed = connector.get(uri);
   model.feed = feed;
   var obj = eval('(' + feed + ')');
   var sites = { };
   for(var key in obj.results)
      if(key != null && key != "none")
         var site = obj.results[key];
         sites[key] = site;
   return sites;

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I don't see how this helps. It removes the options "green energy" and "powertoys" from the page, and keeps the browser waiting forever.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
This will help you to create a blank website.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
The original question was "how do I create the Green Energy example?". I have the same question. When I click "powertoys" or "Green Energy", all I get is a blank web site with a browser that hangs. Repeating the original question: is there anything you need to do to get the examples workinng other than install the latest Alfresco Labs?

This is the error that I get when creating a Powertoys example:

11:57:28,033 WARN  [org.alfresco.web.framework.ImportTask] Received a 500 on call to: /avmstore/create/WEB-INF/classes/al

Actually, I see a lot of these in the log file. After those, I see a lot of these:

11:57:30,082 INFO  [org.alfresco.web.scripts.AbstractRuntime] Caught exception & redirecting to status template: Script url /api/context/set does not map to a Web Script.
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