03-06-2012 07:02 AM
<#if !child.isContainer>
<#– Get a list of all the property names for the document –>
<#assign props = child.properties?keys>
<#list props as t>
<#– If the property exists –>
<#if child.properties[t]?exists>
<#– If it is a date, format it accordingly–>
<#if child.properties[t]?is_date>
<dateprop>${t} = ${child.properties[t]?date}</dateprop>
<#– If it is a boolean, format it accordingly–>
<#elseif child.properties[t]?is_boolean>
<boolprop>${t} = ${child.properties[t]?string("yes", "no")}</boolprop>
<#– Otherwise treat it as a string –>
<otherprop>${t} = ${child.properties[t]}</otherprop>
03-07-2012 06:08 PM
03-08-2012 10:44 PM
<#if child.assocs["ws:relatedArticles"]?exists>
<#list child.assocs["ws:relatedArticles"] as t>
<link rel="alternate" href="${absurl(url.serviceContext)}/api/node/content/${t.nodeRef.storeRef.protocol}/${t.nodeRef.storeRef.identifier}/${t.nodeRef.id}/${t.name?url}"/>
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