thank you very much for the answer. I still couldn't find <em>initiator</em> lastName work until I discovered that the users were created in 'ACT_ID_USER' table but not in "USERS" table as the admin, and my initiator being admin (in USERS), no way to get his infos! A related issue is User creation which cannot be automated neither with the API, nor the REST API which uses the same table. Will these tables be merged in version 6.0 as the API so far seems uncomplete and not fully usable (if I understand well!).
>It's indeed the id, you will need to use the <em>userservice</em> to actually find the user + its email. (you can inject the UserService in your custom service task bean for example).
I've used this Groovy snippet in a Script Task, creating a new user.
def user = identityService.newUser("100");
def query = identityService.createUserQuery().userId("100");
def res =query?.singleResult();
println "id = ${res?.getId()}, firstName = ${res?.getFirstName()}"
By <em>UserService</em>, were you refering to <em>IdentityService</em>?
I don't understand the sentence "you can inject the UserService in your custom service task bean for example". I've searched in User Guide, but don't have a clue about where to start, sorry.
Thanks again,