I'm using Activiti in a spring boot application and have a process that has the first activity as asynch as explained in this forum to get it executed from a rest call without keeping the API stuck.
The API return the processID
A second API query for the image of the running process:
Here is the method:
public InputStream getProcessImage(String id){
ProcessInstance pi;
pi = runtimeService.createProcessInstanceQuery().processInstanceId(id).singleResult();
if (pi == null){
return null;
System.out.println("Process execution:"+pi.getId());
BpmnModel bmod = processEngine.getRepositoryService().getBpmnModel(pi.getProcessDefinitionId());
List<String> actact = runtimeService.getActiveActivityIds(id);
return new DefaultProcessDiagramGenerator().generateDiagram(bmod,"png",actact);
The active activity is always the first one and the image always has that activiti highlighted even if the process executes normally.
Any hints?