After upgrade from version 5.15 to version 5.21.0 diagrams generated for ongoing process instances are not showing task names. However, diagrams generated for process definitions continue showing task names:
This is the code used to generate the diagram above: ProcessEngines.getDefaultProcessEngine().getRepositoryService().getResourceAsStream(processDefinitionEntity.getDeploymentId(), processDefinitionEntity.getDiagramResourceName());
This is the code used to generate the diagram above: ProcessEngines.getDefaultProcessEngine().getProcessEngineConfiguration().getProcessDiagramGenerator().generateDiagram(myBpmnModel, "png", myActitivies);
Is there a way to show task names on the second diagram as well?
The same behaviour (no task names) occurs for process definitions for processes published after the version upgrade.
So processes published when I was using Activiti 5.15 behave like the image I've posted above, and processes published after the upgrade to 5.21.0 are not showing task names.
Example o diagram for process instance published after upgrade: