11-04-2015 05:22 AM
11-04-2015 10:09 AM
activities.feed.notifier.cronExpression=0 0 0 * * ?
system.content.orphanCleanup.cronExpression=0 0 4 * * ?
system.content.caching.contentCleanup.cronExpression=0 0 3 * * ?
solr.backup.alfresco.cronExpression=0 0 2 * * ?
solr.backup.archive.cronExpression=0 0 4 * * ?
. This process gathers all activity information for every user in the system and sends an email with it. In order to determine if this is the cause, you can include a line like this one in your alfresco-global.properties
to disable feed process.
11-04-2015 11:31 AM
11-09-2015 04:35 AM
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