07-28-2011 02:07 PM
<decision name="check_if_language_exam_required">
<!– Language exam required for Simplified Chinese. –>
<transition name="to complete language exam" to="complete_language_exam">
<condition expr="#{ (!isLanguageExamComplete) and jobLanguage == 'zh' }" />
<transition name="to check applicant auto rejection" to="check_applicant_auto_rejection" />
<task name="complete_language_exam" assignee="#{ stringId }">
<transition name="completed" to="check_applicant_auto_rejection" />
<transition name="abandoned" to="abandoned" />
<transition name="to abandoned" to="abandoned" ends-task="true">
<timer duedate="45 days" />
<exclusiveGateway id="isLanguageExamRequiredGw" name="Check if language exam required" default="langExamNotRequiredFlow" />
<sequenceFlow id="langExamRequiredFlow" sourceRef="isLanguageExamRequiredGw" targetRef="completeLangExamTaskSetup">
<!– Language exam required for Simplified Chinese. –>
<conditionExpression xsi:type="tFormalExpression">${ (!isLanguageExamComplete) and jobLanguage == 'zh' }</conditionExpression>
<sequenceFlow id="langExamNotRequiredFlow" sourceRef="isLanguageExamRequiredGw" targetRef="sendRegisteredEmailTask" />
<scriptTask id="completeLangExamTaskSetup" name="Complete language exam setup (hidden)" scriptFormat="groovy">
<script>execution.setVariable('AvailableOutcomes', 'completed,abandoned')</script>
<sequenceFlow id="completeLangExamSetupFlow" sourceRef="completeLangExamTaskSetup" targetRef="completeLangExamTask" />
<userTask id="completeLangExamTask" name="Complete language exam">
Complete the required language screening exam.
<activiti:formProperty id="TaskOutcome" variable="TaskOutcome" required="true" />
<formalExpression>${ stringId }</formalExpression>
<boundaryEvent id="completeLangExamTaskAbandonedTimer" cancelActivity="true" attachedToRef="completeLangExamTask">
<sequenceFlow id="completeLangExamTaskAbandonedTimerFlow" sourceRef="completeLangExamTaskAbandonedTimer" targetRef="abandonedOutcome" />
<sequenceFlow id="langExamCompletedFlow" sourceRef="completeLangExamTask" targetRef="completeLangExamTaskOutcomeGw" />
<exclusiveGateway id="completeLangExamTaskOutcomeGw" name="Check language exam outcome (hidden)" default="completeLangExamCompletedFlow" />
<sequenceFlow id="completeLangExamCompletedFlow" sourceRef="completeLangExamTaskOutcomeGw" targetRef="sendRegisteredEmailTask" />
<sequenceFlow id="completeLangExamAbandonedFlow" sourceRef="completeLangExamTaskOutcomeGw" targetRef="abandonedOutcome">
<conditionExpression xsi:type="tFormalExpression">${ (LastTaskOutcome == 'abandoned') }</conditionExpression>
07-28-2011 03:07 PM
07-28-2011 03:22 PM
07-28-2011 04:45 PM
Thanks for the pointer on the task assignment. I did see that in the documentation, but I prefer to stick with the bpmn conventions where possible.
I guess the way I am handling task transitions is the proper way of doing it and I will have to live with the verbose and complicated XML then.The way you handle the transitions with the exclusive gateway is 'normal' but you still do not need to use a form property. I do not use the Activiti forms at all (use JSF) and just set a variable based on a button on a form that is clicked. So that part can be left out and the difference is even smaller then.
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