WHile using build-in rendering of a form, i can specify the form as <startEvent id="request" activiti:formKey="org/activiti/examples/taskforms/request.form" />
Is there any way, i can specify a import location from which the request.form can be accessed remotely ? something like <startEvent id="request" activiti:formKey="request.form" import="http:xyz:8080/params/>
The user guide states that "the activiti:formKey to be a reference to a resource in the same business archive (= deployment). The resource is identified by it's full path within the deployment."
My requirement is to keep all the forms in one location/repository and whoever wants to use them from this remote repository shall be able to use it in their business archive or local deployment. by just mentioning the location of the repository/path_to_form as formKey. currently it is required that the form should sit in the same deployment/machine as the activiti engine. How can i materialise my requirement ? From your above answer i think it is a 'no' ?