06-01-2012 08:29 AM
groupsNode = search.findNode("path", ["workspace", "SpacesStore", "system", "authorities"]);
06-01-2012 11:38 AM
// TODO: Allow a root path to be specified - for now, hard-code to Company Home
//NodeRef rootNodeRef = nodeService.getRootNode(storeRef);
NodeRef rootNodeRef = getCompanyHome();
if (reference.length == 3)
if (reference[2].equals(nodeService.getPrimaryParent(rootNodeRef).getQName().toPrefixString(namespaceService)))
nodeRef = rootNodeRef;
groupsNode = search.luceneSearch("PATH:\"/sys:system/sys:authorities\"");
06-25-2012 08:54 AM
06-25-2012 02:19 PM
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