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FileFolderService resolveNamePath strange Exception

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all,

I have a really strange trouble in a Web Script using the FileFolderService object. In particular I have a strange stack trace

<blockcode>The Web Script /alfresco/service/androidservices/downloadOfferte has responded with a status of 500 - Internal Error.

500 Description:   An error inside the HTTP server which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Message:   No authentication provider for net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken
Exception:   net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.ProviderNotFoundException - No authentication provider for net.sf.acegisecurity.providers.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken
   com.sun.proxy.$Proxy69.resolveNamePath(Unknown Source)

In this block of code

try {
         documentLibraryInfo = fileFolderService.resolveNamePath(companyHome, pathList );
      } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
         throw new WebScriptException(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Errore nel recupero del path: " + e.getMessage());

I invoke the web script using http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/androidservices/downloadOfferte?alf_ticket=TICKET_2bb76baddfd....

The strange thing is that the first time I invoke this web script it works, but the second time I get this exception.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Wow, I didn't know! I removed the line <java>logger.debug(fileFolderService)</java> and now it's working!

I hope this will be helpful to someone.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Wow, I didn't know! I removed the line <java>logger.debug(fileFolderService)</java> and now it's working!

I hope this will be helpful to someone.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Yes, that debug would have done
.  That service is protected by an interceptor that specifically ensures that all calls through to the implementation have the correct permissions applied.  It could not resolve the toString method.