I want help to write a java code to retrieve the file uploaded date. Is there any provision to get this date in Java. Are there any Alfresco API available.
The version used is Version: Community - v3.2.0 (2039). The code snippet used to retrieve is as below:
public GeneralVO getFile(Reference space)
String id = null;
GeneralVO generalVO = null;
createSession ();
Node[] nodes = getRepositoryService ().get (new Predicate (new Reference[]
{ space }, STORE, null));
Reference nodeRef = nodes[0].getReference ();
QueryResult rootChildren = getRepositoryService ().queryChildren (nodeRef);
ResultSet rootChildrenResults = rootChildren.getResultSet ();
ResultSetRow[] row = rootChildrenResults.getRows ();
if (row != null)
for (ResultSetRow rows : row)
generalVO = new GeneralVO ();
id = rows.getNode ().getId ();
// generalVO.setId(id);
NamedValue[] values = rows.getColumns ();
for (NamedValue col : values)
String strValue = col.getValue ();
if (col.getName ().endsWith (Constants.PROP_NAME) == true)
int fileTpe = strValue.indexOf (".");
if (fileTpe != -1)
generalVO.setId (id);
generalVO.setName (strValue);
catch(AxisFault af){
} catch (Exception ex)
ex.printStackTrace ();
} catch (Exception e)
System.err.println ("Can not initiate session with Alfresco server.");
e.printStackTrace ();
return generalVO;
Thank you in advance.