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Feature request: TemplateNode Factory & ScriptNodeFactory

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
We have developed an Alfresco module in-house that adds extra functionality. For certain reasons we have needed to add extra functionality to the ScriptNode and the TemplateNode, but in doing so we have had to over-ride the definition of these classes, since the current architecture does not take into account a module needing to extend the functionality of theses classes.

If these two classes were generated via a factory, then it would allow us to easily extend these classes through inheritance, rather than redefinition. Using the TemplateNode as an example, I see something like this:

<bean id="templateNodeFactory"
          p:serviceRegistry-ref="serviceRegistry" />

public class TemplateNodeFactory

    private ServiceRegistry services;
    private TemplateImageResolver resolver;
    public void setServiceRegistry( ServiceRegistry services )
    { = services;
    public void setTemplateImageResolver( TemplateImageResolver resolver )
        this.resolver = resolver;
     * Creates a new TemplateNode for the nodeRef
     * @param nodeRef
     * @return
    public TemplateNode createTemplateNode( NodeRef nodeRef )
        return createTemplateNode(nodeRef,,this.resolver);
     * Creates a new TemplateNode for the nodeRef
     * @param nodeRef
     * @param services
     * @param resolver
     * @return
    protected TemplateNode createTemplateNode(
                          NodeRef nodeRef,
                          ServiceRegistry services,
                         TemplateImageResolver resolver )
        return new CoreTemplateNode(nodeRef, services, resolver);
The factory class could then be extended to return the appropriate implementation. There are probably other ways of going about this, but this would certainly be helpful.

Edit: The same factory implementation could be reused, simply using reflection and specifying the class to be instantiated as a property:

    /* templateNodeClass node would be specified as a bean property, p:templateNodeClass="package.MyTemplateNode" */
    protected TemplateNode createTemplateNode( NodeRef nodeRef, ServiceRegistry services, TemplateImageResolver resolver )
        try {
            Constructor<TemplateNode> constructor = templateNodeClass.getConstructor(NodeRef.class,ServiceRegistry.class,TemplateImageResolver.class);
            return constructor.newInstance(nodeRef,services,resolver);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
This is probably better shared as a feature request in Jira.

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