I would like to migrate my Alfresco Community 2.0 from Linux to WindowsXP, but not success.
Orginal Version: OS: Linux Alfresco: AlfrescoCommunity2.0Linux Database: MySQL 4.1.20
Migrate to: OS: Windows XP SP2 Alfresco: I have tried both AlfrescoCommunity2.0 & 2.1 Database: I have tried both MySQL 4.1.22 & 5.1
My procedure on the migration: 1. In the original System <Linux>, I use mysqldump to backup the database. The command is: "mysql -u alfresco -p alfresco > alfrescoBak.sql"
2. Setup Alfresco & MySQL in another computer <Windows XP>. And then restore the database from Linux. The command is: "mysql -u alfresco -p alfresco < alfrescoBak.sql"
3. After restore the database, I run "alf_start.bat" in Windows XP. And then use web browser to open "http://localhost:8080/alfresco" But the web page cannot be open, with following error: HTTP Status 404 - /alfresco/ ——————————————- type Status report message /alfresco/ description The reuested resource (/alfresco/) is not available. ——————————————- Apache Tomcat /5.5.20
I want to know: Is it available to migrade the system from Linux to Windows? If yes, how to do it?