07-13-2016 09:35 AM
07-13-2016 05:47 PM
07-14-2016 11:38 AM
06-15-2017 01:32 PM
As other solution you can override cm:contentmodel.
Within this overridden content model you can add your properties to cmerson type.
In this case you can filter people by these properties without overriding of People.java.
07-14-2016 01:35 PM
07-14-2016 04:36 PM
07-14-2016 05:17 PM
if (tokens.length == 1)
// single word with no field will go against _PERSON and expand
//Substitute out an underscore for an escaped :, if propIndex > 0
if(propIndex > 0)
term = term.replaceAll("_", "\\:");
// fts-alfresco property search i.e. location:"maidenhead"
query.append(term.substring(0, propIndex + 1)).append('"');
if (propIndex < 0)
query.append(term.substring(propIndex + 1));
if (propIndex > 0)
07-15-2016 10:23 AM
09-29-2016 03:29 AM
FYI... Although not directly related to the back-end issues you're dealing with here, you might want to take a look at this blog post on using an Aikau version of the people-finder as it will give you more flexibility when you get around to customizing the Share UI (obviously it depends on how much front-end customization you require).
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