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'Expression space is undefined' in ftl

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I want to modify the space display in Alfresco Enterprise 3.3.
I have created a template space_detail.ftl that is a copy of, change document by space and save the ftl in classes/alfresco/templates.

Then I've modified the browse.jsp page to add a reference to my template.

<r:template template="/alfresco/templates/space_detail.ftl" />

But when I try to view my page, I've an error message saying "07100059 Error during processing of the template 'Expression space is undefined on line 2, column 18 in alfresco/templates/space_detail.ftl.'. Please contact your system administrator.".

I thought that space was a common root object always provided ???

Any help would be helpful;


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
what ever is the prolem you can solve it with custom model

<r:template template="alfresco/templates/example.ftl" model="#{MyBean.templateModel}" />

   * Returns a model for use by a template on the Document Details page.
   * @return model containing current document and current space info.
  public Map getTemplateModel()
     Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(4, 1.0f);
     model.put("document", getDocument().getNodeRef());//you do not have to put this, but it will be null.
     model.put("space", this.navigator.getCurrentNode().getNodeRef());//this is current space
     model.put(TemplateService.KEY_IMAGE_RESOLVER, imageResolver);
     return model;

so this works for sure! hope it helps.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks for your answer.

But which class must I extend in my custom bean to access getDocument() or this.navigator ?

And I'm surprised that common objects like document or space are not available.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I will try to make a resume of what I've done:

1- Creation of a template space_detail.ftl

<#– Get a list of all the property names for the space –>
<#assign props =>
   <#list props as t>
      <#– If the property exists –>
         <#– If it is a date, format it accordingly–>
         <li>${t} = ${[t]?date}</li>
         <#– If it is a boolean, format it accordingly–>
         <li>${t} = ${[t]?string("yes", "no")}</li>
         <#– Otherwise treat it as a string –>
         <li>${t} = ${[t]}</li>
2- Adding of the template in browse.jsp

<r:template template="/alfresco/templates/space_detail.ftl"/>

3- Error when I show the page

07110009 Error during processing of the template 'Expression space is undefined on line 2, column 18 in alfresco/templates/space_detail.ftl.'. Please contact your system administrator.

4- space is not recognize, even if it's a default object:

5- So I've created a custom object

public class MyCustomBean extends BrowseBean {

   public Map<String, Object> getTemplateModel() {
      Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(4, 1.0f);
      model.put("document", getDocument().getNodeRef());
      model.put("space", this.navigator.getCurrentNode().getNodeRef());
      return model;

Then, I don't know what to do….

6- Must I declare this bean in template-services-context.xml ?

<bean id="templateFicheServiss" parent="baseTemplateImplementation" class="org.alfresco.module.customspace.MyCustomBean">
   <property name="extensionName">

<r:template template="/alfresco/templates/space_detail.ftl"  model="#{myBean.templateModel}"/>

But I've an error when starting Alfresco
Could not instantiate bean class [org.alfresco.module.customspace.MyCustomBean]: Constructor threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException

7- Must I declare this bean in faces-config-custom.xml, to override BrowseBean ?

         The bean that holds folder browse state.

No difference, still the error "Expression space is undefined…"

Any idea ?

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
you must define your bean inside custom-faces-config.xml

like this:
         The bean that holds folder browse state.

put this inside faces-config-custom.xml should work then
also check what is null (probably is nagivator).

you can get navigator from faceshelper.getmanagedbean("…)