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Exporting Word Documents

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all

Iam trying to export around 10,000 Word documents out of my contentSpace in Alfresco to Windows XP. I went by the alfresco documentation and used the Administration Console for the space whose content I needed to  export. I got a .acp file as an output, downloaded it to my system,changed the extension to zip and opened it. I only ended up with 4000 word documents with a bunch of .bin files.

Not sure what i did wrong. Initially I thought the change of extensions may have affected it but as .acp is a ZIp format i thought this should not be the issue. I could not find a .acp file opening tool anywhere.
i looked in the <packagename>.xml file and I found the cm:content object in it. In this forum I read this could be a issue but to find the error they asked to check the contentUrl object but I could not find that.

I thought this should be a straightforward process. Am I missing anything here?. if there are any tools that could perform this operation i would be more happier to configure it and run this export process.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
The ACP file is indeed a "zip" format.   But there's more to it than that.  In particular the metadata including filenames of the documents are contained within an xml file.

I suggest you use ftp and copy out your files instead.   

Or use a zip export rather than an acp export.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks. How do I get a zip export?. Should I be changing any files in alfresco server to change its extension to .zip rather .acp. Iam currently running the export from the Administration console.

I know how FTP works but how do i accomplish a FTP export in alfresco?. I looked in the alfresco server in the  folder "contentstore" for the word documents but i could not find them. I only ended up finding "bin" files here

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
it's likely your alfresco server is listening on port 2121 for FTP connections as this is the default configuration.

Simply connect via FTP to that port (or another port if you have configured it differently), authenticate, then browse to your folders and then download.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks all…Alfresco is running in a Linux server which Iam able to connect through FTP. But Iam unable to find existence of .doc files anywhere inside the server. Should I be FTP'ing with the url I use to connect to the Alfresco Content Mangement System?. And I read in alfrescowiki I should be changing to configure SMB/CIFS but for FTP it would default to 21. So I guess it doesn't need to be set anywhere so i tried up with the url and port 2121 it says "Connection timed out . Could not connect to server".

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi all,

Figured the FTP configuration out . I had to enable FTP server through the <serverEnable> property in file-servers.xml file in WEB_INF\classes\alfresco folder. Then I set the authenticator "alfresco" and was able to FTP as a alfresco user. But the next issue is that I cannot find my "spaces"(where the content lies) in FTP explorer. It shows only the Alfresco, AVM folder. In alfresco folder it shows the content items whereas the AVM folder is empty. So do I have to move the .doc files out of "Spaces"?. I thought I had this but guess iam back to square one.:x


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
thanks rdanner, mrogers

you guys have any suggestions on this

"cannot find my "spaces"(where the content lies) in FTP explorer. It shows only the Alfresco, AVM folder. In alfresco folder it shows the content items whereas the AVM folder is empty."