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Export/Import Problems

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
When Exporting and Importing folders I have run into the following problem.  When exporting a space and it's children the "controller xml" may create a fragment like the one below:

        <cm:folder view:childName="cm:PrivacyNotice">

Note that the webcSmiley Surprisedverride and the webc:common my own definitions where webcSmiley Surprisedverride is a noderef property and webc:common is a file content type.

Please take notice in how it generates the path to the noderef it is referenceing.  The webc:common[3] indicates it should point to the cm:meta space and reference the [index] 3 of space.  The problem with this is that the system I am importing it into may or may not have the same file at the 3rd index point.  Although they DO have the same file name avialable.  Therefore, after the import, it references the wrong file.

Is there a way around this?  Is there a way to get it to find the correct file based on it's name?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
For those interested I found a way around this although I still question if there is not a bug somewhere.

The node in question had several associated children with the same "childQName".  For whatever reason, it did not choose the proper noderef when this was the case.  I modified the node to have unique childQName's and it works perfectly.  Now it references the child by childQName instead of index number.
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