I've installed the new 5.16 release on our dev and test environment on Oracle database.
Our installation uses a database table prefix since it's a shared database and this works fine with the activiti framework by using the databaseTablePrefix property when initializing the processEngineConfiguration.
We need to specify both a database schema and a table prefix.
However, there's an issue with the new act_evt_log_seq sequence that's been introduced.
I'm getting the following message:
ORA-02289: sequence does not exist
### SQL: insert into DBR.RT_ACT_EVT_LOG(LOG_NR_, TYPE_, PROC_DEF_ID_, PROC_INST_ID_, EXECUTION_ID_, TASK_ID_, TIME_STAMP_, USER_ID_, DATA_, LOCK_OWNER_, LOCK_TIME_, IS_PROCESSED_) values ( ACT_EVT_LOG_seq.nextVal, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )
So I'm wondering if you have any way of allowing us to specify any prefix when you're making use of the ACT_EVT_LOG_seq.nextVal sequence?
If I query f.i select DBR.ACT_EVT_LOG_seq.nextVal from dual; then it works fine.