What am i doing: Trying to set the ExecutionListener in the start event, same as we associate TaskListener for the usertask. Problem: Not able to set the ExecutionListener in the designer for start event.
Work around is possible when i added executionlistener directly in the xml file and it worked for me. <process id="MyInputProcess" name="MyInputProcess"> <extensionElements> <activiti:executionListener class="com.test.taskListener.MyInputProcessExecutionListener" event="start" /> <activiti:executionListener class="com.test.taskListener.MyInputProcessExecutionListener" event="end" /> </extensionElements> …. </process>
Q1. Is it going to be corrected in the next designer builds? Q2. When the next version of designer is going to be released?
In this XML example your didn't set it on the start event but on the process level. And you can set listeners on a process level in the Designer. Just click on an empty space in the canvas and go to the properties view.