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Executing Web Scripts at Render time

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I am using Alfresco's WCM Web Forms to receive input from users and render HTML using Freemarker. My question is how do I take advantage of Web Scripts to render dynamic information at render time?

I have a Web Form that asks the user to input a title and a document path, and the form renders a download link in HTML. I also want to automatically find the size of the selected document and render that next to the title.  I've created a Web Script that takes the storeId and file path as input and outputs the file's size in HTML.  The Web Script queries Alfresco using the avm.lookupStore and store.lookupNode functions.

If I run the web script by manually passing in the storeId and file path it works well. What I'm stuck on, is how I can call this Web Script from my Web Form to include in my Web Form output?

Thanks for any help!

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to update my progress on this issue:

Instead of trying to call my web script from my Freemarker file, I changed my Freemarker to directly access the Alfresco objects (bypassing the need for a web script at all). I tried some of the examples in the Freemarker Template cookbook, but I can't get access to the Alfresco objects through Freemarker as in the examples.

So for example, I've set up a web form with the following xsd and ftl:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""

  <xs:element name="simple">
        <xs:element name="string" type="xs:normalizedString"/>

<#ftl ns_prefixes={"D":"",

    <#– from example cookbook –>
    <b>Company Home Space:</b> ${}
   <#– Table of the Spaces in my Home Folder –>
   <#– Shows the large 32x32 pixel icon, and generates an external access servlet URL to the space –>
         <#list companyhome.children as child>
            <#if child.isContainer>
                   <td><img src="${url.context}${child.icon32}"></td>
                   <#assign ref=child.nodeRef>
                   <#assign workspace=ref[0..ref?index_of("://")-1]>
                   <#assign storenode=ref[ref?index_of("://")+3..]>
                   <td><a href="${url.context}/navigate/showSpaceDetails/${workspace}/${storenode}"><b>${}</b></a> (${child.children?size})</td>

I don't seem to have access to the Alfresco objects, like the examples do.  The ${} gives an error. If i remove it, the list of the company home children outputs nothing. I thought this could be an access issue due to the fact i've saved the web form in the Data Dictionary > Web Scripts folder rather than in the classpath, but I tried the latter and the result is the same.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi Tara,

I'm having a similar issue.  Can't seem to access 'space' in my freemarker template.

<#list space.children as child>
    <#if child.isDocument>
       <#if child.mimetype = "text/plain">
          <tr><td style='padding-left:16px'>${child.content}</td></tr>
       <#elseif child.mimetype = "image/jpeg">
          <tr><td style='padding-left:16px'><img width=100 height=65 src="/alfresco${child.url}"><td></tr>

returns error :

Expression space is undefined

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Well, i havent worked out how to run web scripts from rendering templates, but I found out why i couldnt reference the Alfresco model. Only a subset of objects are available for WCM rendering templates:

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Just wondering if anyone has discovered if it's possible to call a WebScript from within the WCM rendering process?