Hi I want to use the activiti engine embedded in my application and use my own user management. I have read a couple of solution on Internet however all use the activiti.cfg.xml file. I use the standalone mode and configurated the engine like this ProcessEngineConfiguration conf = ProcessEngineConfiguration .createStandaloneProcessEngineConfiguration(); conf.setDatabaseType("mysql"); conf.setJdbcDriver("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); conf.setJdbcUrl("jdbc:mysql://localhost/activiti"); conf.setJdbcUsername("test"); conf.buildProcessEngine();
I know that I need to add a session factory to implement my own user management however I do not see how to this with the solution I have adopted Can someone help.
You can also use your own identity store and set assignee and candidate group values to the identifiers of your own identity store. If you want to use the Activiti IdentityService interface you can look at the activiti-ldap module which uses that approach.
I understand how to use the IdentityService interface my question is more about how to register the interface as all configuration I can see in the different example are based on the activiti.cfg.xml and I would like to register the IdentityService programmatically.