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Error when adding task

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I tried to create my first personal workflow based on the publishWhitepaper workflow made by J Potts.

my design is good, and I could deploy my workflow without error as long as no task is used.

when I've got the following in processdefinition.xml:

   <swimlane name="initiator" />

   <start-state name="start">
      <transition name="" to="Submit"></transition>
the workflow deploy (although i haven't test it in Alfresco but it's ok in Eclipse).

If I had the task in the start task:

   <swimlane name="initiator" />

   <start-state name="start">
      <task name="lowf:submitReviewTask" />
      <transition name="" to="Submit"></transition>
I've got a "deployment_exception"…

I've declared the lowf:submitReviewTask in a loWorkflowModel.xml that seems to be OK (no error while launching Alfresco):

      <type name="lowf:submitReviewTask">

Any idea where it could be coming from ? If you want more code, just ask for it Smiley Happy I don't give full code because I think the essential is in these lines.

Thank you!

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
From what you have posted it looks O.K.    The error screen says that there are details logged somewhere by your eclipse plugin, your first task is to find that logging since it will give a clue what is wrong.

Alternatively just put your workflow definitions into the alfresco class path and then restart alfresco.   That should put any workflow deployment exceptions into the Alfresco.log.

Not applicable
Actually I think I didn't declared well my model in the *-model-context.xml…I just saw that…(I forget the "e" in alfresco.extension.loWorkflowModl)

I try this and this should be fixed…

I can't believe I spent around 2hours on it 😕

ok that doesn't solve anything xD I'll try to get this log file.