03-24-2008 05:32 AM
/* AJAX call to perform server-side search */
runSearch: function(useTemplate, argPath)
OfficeAddin.showStatusText("Searching…", "ajax_anim.gif", false);
/* ICC: He metido encodeURIComponent en esta linea para poder hacer busquedas en chino .*/
var searchString = encodeURIComponent($('searchText').value);
var maxResults = $('maxResults').value;
var actionURL = useTemplate + argPath + "&search=" + searchString + "&maxresults=" + maxResults;
var myAjax = new Ajax(actionURL, {
method: 'get',
headers: {'If-Modified-Since': 'Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT'},
evalScripts: true,
onComplete: function(textResponse, xmlResponse)
$('searchResultsList').innerHTML = textResponse;
04-01-2008 06:53 PM
04-07-2008 01:22 AM
Find what you came for
We want to make your experience in Hyland Connect as valuable as possible, so we put together some helpful links.