08-23-2021 02:43 PM
Al efectuar la instalación de con la herramienta haciendo uso de yo con la siguiente configuración:
Which ACS version do you want to use? 6.2
How may GB RAM are available for Alfresco (12 is minimum required)? 20
Do you want to use HTTPs for Web Proxy? No
What is the name of your server? atenea.test.gov.ar
What HTTP port do you want to use ? 80
Do you want to use FTP? Yes
Do you want to use MariaDB instead of PostgreSQL? No
Are you using different languages? Yes
Do you want to create an internal SMTP server? No
Do you want to create an internal LDAP server? No
Are you using a Windows host to run Docker? No
Do you want to use a start script? No
error que se produce: SO:Debian 10
08-24-2021 05:07 AM
Buenos días.
Si echas un vistazo a las plataformas soportadas en Alfresco 6.2, debian no está incluída.
Un saludo.
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