01-16-2007 06:28 PM
Hibernate operation: could not load an entity: [org.alfresco.repo.domain.hibernate.NodeStatusImpl#component[protocol,identifier,guid]{protocol=workspace, guid=b08db99b-a354-11db-9288-afa9868bb29e_en_US, identifier=SpacesStore}]; SQL [select nodestatus0_.protocol asFull text is at the end of the message.
Character data, right truncation occurred; for example, an update or insert value is a string that is too long for the column, or a datetime value cannot be assigned to a host variable, because it is too small.
Hibernate operation: could not load an entity: [org.alfresco.repo.domain.hibernate.NodeStatusImpl#component[protocol,identifier,guid]{protocol=workspace, guid=b08db99b-a354-11db-9288-afa9868bb29e_en_US, identifier=SpacesStore}]; SQL [select nodestatus0_.protocol as protocol3_3_, nodestatus0_.identifier as identifier3_3_, nodestatus0_.guid as guid3_3_, nodestatus0_.transaction_id as transact4_3_3_, nodestatus0_.node_id as node5_3_3_, nodeimpl1_.id as id0_0_, nodeimpl1_.protocol as protocol0_0_, nodeimpl1_.identifier as identifier0_0_, nodeimpl1_.uuid as uuid0_0_, nodeimpl1_.type_qname as type5_0_0_, nodeimpl1_.acl_id as acl6_0_0_, storeimpl2_.protocol as protocol6_1_, storeimpl2_.identifier as identifier6_1_, storeimpl2_.root_node_id as root3_6_1_, aspects3_.node_id as node1_5_, aspects3_.qname as qname5_, parentasso4_.child_node_id as child3_6_, parentasso4_.id as id6_, parentasso4_.id as id4_2_, parentasso4_.parent_node_id as parent2_4_2_, parentasso4_.child_node_id as child3_4_2_, parentasso4_.type_qname as type4_4_2_, parentasso4_.qname as qname4_2_, parentasso4_.child_node_name as child6_4_2_, parentasso4_.child_node_name_crc as child7_4_2_, parentasso4_.is_primary as is8_4_2_, parentasso4_.assoc_index as assoc9_4_2_ from alf_node_status nodestatus0_ left outer join alf_node nodeimpl1_ on nodestatus0_.node_id=nodeimpl1_.id left outer join alf_store storeimpl2_ on nodeimpl1_.protocol=storeimpl2_.protocol and nodeimpl1_.identifier=storeimpl2_.identifier left outer join alf_node_aspects aspects3_ on nodeimpl1_.id=aspects3_.node_id left outer join alf_child_assoc parentasso4_ on nodeimpl1_.id=parentasso4_.child_node_id where nodestatus0_.protocol=? and nodestatus0_.identifier=? and nodestatus0_.guid=?]; DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -302, SQLSTATE: 22001, SQLERRMC: null; nested exception is com.ibm.db2.jcc.c.SqlException: DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -302, SQLSTATE: 22001, SQLERRMC: null
02-23-2007 06:53 AM
02-25-2007 10:34 PM
03-06-2007 01:30 AM
03-06-2007 05:55 AM
03-06-2007 06:38 AM
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