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ERROR - Alfresco Audit Analysis and Reporting Plugin (A.A.A.R.)

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Hello everyone,

I am trying to install the Alfresco Audit Analysis and Reporting Plugin (A.A.A.R.) version 4.5 on Pentaho 7.0 and I get an error.

Reviewing the error log shows the following line:

2016-12-15 17:16:42,054 ERROR [org.pentaho.di] 2016/12/15 17:16:42 - Abort job - ERROR (version, build 1 from 2016-11-05 15.35 .36 by buildguy): Plugin did not contain ID

Please, I would like to know how to solve this problem. Or be able to know how to install old versions manually.

Thank you very much.


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Hi Francesco,

Thank you very much for all your help!
We have successfully installed pentaho and downloaded A.A.A.R and i was wondering:
  • If there is a way to restrict the access to A.A.A.R to a group of users of Alfresco so that consumers don't have access to this.
  • If the info the users see can be restricted only to the sites or groups they are members of. For example, the site manager of site A will only see the info related to the site A while the site manager of site B will see info only related to site B
  • If it's possible to create reports that are available to a certain group of users and other reports that are only available to other group of users.
I'll be waiting for your answer.
Thanks in advance

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator


Below the answers.

1) Yes, Pentaho BA Server has a very good approach and features on permits, role and authorisations. I'm pretty sure you will find everything you will need on that.

2) I receive a lot of question on "slicing" data depending on the logged user. In principle it is possible and all the data structures are well defined to execute this feature. In addition, I experimented how to develop this in AAAR. The bad news is that I did not have the time (and effort) to do it. If you will be committed to help on this, it will be great. 🙂

3) Yes, exactly using the reply at point n.1. 🙂

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Thanks Francesco!

I was trying the A.A.A.R Dashlet and the links aren't working.

I read in your blog " Alfresco menu to A.A.A.R. dashboards, reports and analysis " and I was wondering if I just have to add to the file:

aaar.pentaho.protocol=http aaar.pentaho.port=8082 aaar.pentaho.context=pentaho aaar.pentaho.user=admin aaar.pentaho.password=password aaar.pentaho.application=aaar

Or if I also need to download Pentaho Transparent Authentication in order to make the links work.

I'm currently using A.A.A.R 4.5 with Pentaho 7 and Pentaho Transparent Authentication isn't available for Pentaho 7.


Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

Hi Jose,

You are quite close to the solution. 🙂

Quoting the page you linked:

Once the dashlet is available into your dashboard, the last task is to configure the access to the analytics (and the list of available analytics itself). To do it, simply modify the AAAR.get.config.xml file you can find in the path described below.


For the transparent authentication you are right, it is not working on Pentaho 7 yet and it is not imported in the AAAR v4.5.

I'm waiting to have the time to migrate it to the latest version and... looking for help on this. 😉

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Hi Francesco,

I was wondering if there is a way to get the name of the users or categories. Because currently I just have the username of the users.

Thanks Smiley Happy!

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

Hi Jose,

With AAAR 4.5 you don't have those informations extracted.
Alflytics 5.0 (Alflytics will be the new name of the solution) is going to extract:

- Full info about users (full names, emails, organization, etc.)

- Categories and tags for documents and folders.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

That would be amazing because the usernames I have are codes and I would like to make my reports more friendly Smiley Happy

I just have two questions about Alflytics 5.0:

  • Will it be compatible with Alfresco 5.0.d?
  • When would that new version be released?

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

Hi Jose,

Alflytics 5 will be compatible with Alfresco 5.2+ because it is going to use the new REST API and it won't require any installation/customisation on the Alfresco side (it will be easily tested/used also in production environments without customisations/stops).

I plan to release it before the BeeCon (end of April) and submit a presentation showing the new stuff around... of course don't know if it will be accepted at the moment. ðŸ™‚

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Hi Francesco,

I've been able to create my own reports but until know I don't know how can I edit the Main Dashboard so it shows other types of graphics and data.

How can I do that?

Thanks Smiley Happy

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

Hi Jose,

To modify the dashboards the right place is the "browser" using the Pentaho User Console.

Form the Pentaho home, select the browse option.

It will open the Pentaho repository.

Then dive into the "/public/AAAR' folder.

There you can find three files with "main" name and different extension.

All the three files define the dashboard.

Edit the file with the CDE icon (main.cde) and a UI will be opened.

Once you will be there, it's a regular Petaho development, strictly related to a javascript development.

I hope this will help you.