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Enhancing Web-Client config possibilities

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Hi, has anyone made a significant enhancement into Alfresco's XML web-client-config ?
I ll try to illustrate what I'm asking with an example :
Let's talk about Workflow tasks forms (manage-task-dialog.jsp).
Let's say I would like to be able to implement an UI where multiple tabs are available on the page, and then choose via XML WebclientConfig the number of tabs, their names, which field to be displayed on the first tab etc …
A config that could look like

<config evaluator="node-type" condition="custom:myWorkflowReviewTask" replace="true">
            <property-tab name="Tab1" display-label-id="tab1_label">
                <show-property ……./>
            <property-tab name="Tab2" display-label-id="tab2_label">
                <show-property ……./>


Of course, it would be perfect to make switching tab action by Ajax calls

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
In fact, BlueXML released its Sustainable IDE in GPL v3 during 2009 summer. It is now available as an open source standalone project, hosted on

SIDE-Labs provides:
* a set of graphical tools to help Alfresco developers to build powerful Alfresco applications quickly and easily
* a set of server extensions which add features to Alfresco such as SQL for Alfresco, Facet navigation through the facetmap solution's integration and advanced form components

You will find in this second part everything related to forms and web-client enhancements.

As previously said, you can decide to generate forms with sections (usual Alfresco look and feel), horizontal or vertical tabs. Screenshots based on SIDE 1.0 are available on Very HappyemoSmiley Frustratedcreenshots

In SIDE 2.0, forms may also be managed outside Alfresco on a solution based on Chiba and integration is simply done through simple REST calls.
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